A to Z Lead Generation Course in Bangla

By Arif Jaber Categories: Marketing
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সম্পর্কে অবশ্যই

Finding new potential customers is very important for any business to grow. Lead generation helps you find people who may want to buy products or services. A good lead generation plan can bring in many sales opportunities.

This course will teach you simple ways to get more leads for businesses. You will learn techniques to find leads online through websites, ads, writing content, and email marketing. You will also learn how to find leads offline through networking and direct mail.

From nurturing leads to using software to manage leads, you will learn the full lead generation process. Real examples and step-by-step instructions will make it easy for you to use what you learn. After the course, you will have a plan to regularly get sales leads.

By becoming an expert in lead generation, you can earn good money. You can work as a freelancer and help many businesses get new customers. You can also get a job at a marketing company. Top lead generation experts can earn Tk Rs 50,000 – 1 lakh per month or more.

Join this course and learn valuable skills! With lead generation skills, you can help businesses grow and earn well for yourself.

কোর্সে আপনার জন্য থাকছেঃ

  • X টি ভিডিও।
  • ভিডিওগুলিতে লাইফ-টাইম অ্যাক্সেস
  • এক্সপার্টদের টিপস যা আপনাকে এই বিষয়ে এক্সপার্ট হয়ে উঠতে সাহায্য করবে।
  • উক্ত বিষয়ে আপনার স্কিলের সার্টিফিকেট যা কোর্সটি কমপ্লিট হলে আপনাকে প্রদান করা হবে।
  • আমাদের টিমের পক্ষ থেকে 24/7 সাপোর্ট। 

    By the End of this Lead Generation Course, You’ll be Able to

    • Save time and effort by automating tasks like email follow-ups and scheduling appointments.
    • Explore popular tools (avoid mentioning specific ones) to streamline your process.
    • Learn the basics of setting up a lead automation tool, even with a free Gmail account.
    • Discover tools (avoid mentioning specific ones) to manage your potential leads database effectively.
    • Develop strategies to distinguish valuable leads for your sales team to follow up on.
    • Connect your website lead forms and social media lead capture with Google Sheets for easy data management.

    কারা এই কোর্স থেকে উপকৃত হবে

    • Those who are interested in learning lead generation
    • যারা একটি প্যাসিভ ইনকাম সোর্স খুঁজছেন
    • Students 
    • ছোট ব্যবসায়ী এবং উদ্যোক্তা 
    • Retired Personnel and housewives

কোর্স সার্টিফিকেট

আপনি কোর্সটি সম্পূর্ণ করার পরে কোর্স কমপ্লিট এর একটি সার্টিফিকেট পাবেন। এটি ব্যাবহার করে আপনি নিয়োগকর্তা বা ক্লায়েন্টদের কাছে আপনার নতুন স্কিল প্রদর্শন করতে পারবেন। আপনি এটি সরাসরি সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যমেও শেয়ার করতে পারবেন।

প্রশিক্ষক পরিচিতি

Your instructor is Javed Ali. He has 7 years of experience in lead generation. Javed has helped numerous businesses, from startups to Fortune companies, attract more qualified leads and drive revenue growth.

Javed will teach you simple methods to find potential customers for your business. He will explain things in an easy way so you can understand easily. The course focuses on practical tips and examples.

Javed’s aim is to help you generate good quality leads for your products or services. With his teachings, you will learn how to get more sales opportunities.

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এই কোর্স থেকে আপনি যা যা শিখবেন

  • Effective methods to find potential customers interested in your business.
  • Differences between B2B & B2C leads and explore various marketing channels to reach them.
  • Automation tricks to streamline your lead generation process.
  • How to develop a simple strategy to find new customers and choose the right tools.
  • Master techniques to capture leads from websites, social media, and email.
  • Get inspired by ideas for lead generation across different channels.

কোর্স কন্টেন্ট

Module 1: Introduction to Lead Generation

  • Video 1: What is Lead Generation? Importance of it
  • Video 2: Different Types of Leads
  • Video 3: The Lead Generation Funnel
  • Video 4: Identifying Your Ideal Customer

Module 2: Building Your Lead Magnet

Module 3: Facebook Lead Generation

Module 4: Capturing Leads from Website

Module 5: Email Marketing & Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Module 6: Paid Lead Generation Strategies

Module 7: Automation Hacks for Lead Generation

Bonus Module: Ethics & Best Practices

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